Residency Application

What is Harmony House?
Harmony House is a Second Stage Shelter residence for women and their children who are survivors of violence. We provide a transitional period from crisis shelter services to independent living in the community. We provide safe and affordable housing up to one year along with programs of individual and group support, accompaniment, advocacy, and referral.
Who is eligible to apply?
Residency is available to any women over the age of 16 with or without children who have already or are planning to exit an abusive relationship and need a community where you can build your skills to be independent.
Residency Requirement
Residents are required to pay rent based on income. Residents are required to participate in Harmony House Programming. If the resident does not currently have any income they will work with Harmony House staff and other referred agencies to supplement their rent.
Privacy Declaration
All personal information collected is confidential; it may be used anonymously for statistical purposes and, for service delivery by Harmony House Staff. No information will be shared with anyone outside of the organization without the permission of the applicant or when required by law.

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