We are accepting volunteers

Harmony House was built with the vision and tenacity of incredible volunteers. From our board of directors to our first staff members, it was volunteers who worked tirelessly to create the incredible organization we have today.

Our volunteers help run programs and help prepare units for new residents to move in and help clean units when they’ve moved out. Volunteers also help run events, provide childcare and so much more. Involvement of volunteers increases community participation and community awareness about violence against women.

We ensure that all our volunteers are given a full orientation and training, are provided with clear directions, and are recognized and appreciated for their work. We expect our volunteers to take their commitment seriously, maintain total confidentiality, and contribute to the environment of fairness, respect, and teamwork.

We welcome volunteers of
all genders to our off-site events.

If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out the form below or send an email to: volunteercoord@harmonyhousews.com.

We welcome volunteers of all genders to our off-site events.

If you are interested in volunteering, please CLICK HERE or send an email to: volunteercoord@harmonyhousews.com.

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Preferred Pronoun
Your Email
What are your areas of interest?
Please indicate 1 references in total. (professional, volunteer, academic or personal)
Reference 1: E-mail address

Our Volunteer Values are:
To volunteer on-site
at Harmony House, you must:

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